( The Buddha // Iddhipādasamyutta )
O wise ones, these four bases for spiritual power, when developed and cultivated, are noble and emancipating; they lead the one who acts upon them to complete enlightenment. What four? Here, wise ones, one develops the basis for spiritual power that possesses concentration due to 1) desire, 2) energy, 3) mind, 4) investigation, with volitional formations of striving. These four bases of spiritual power lead one who acts upon them out to complete enlightenment.
When the four bases of spiritual power have been developed and cultivated in this way, a wise one wields the various kinds of spiritual power: having been one, one becomes many; having been many, one becomes one; one appears and vanishes; ones goes unhindered through a wall, through a rampart, through a mountain as though through space; ones dives in and out of the earth as though it were water; one walks on water without sinking as though it were earth; seated cross legged, ones travels in space like a bird; with the hand one touches and strokes the moon and sun so powerful and mighty; one exercises mastery with the body as far as the supreme spiritual world.
Wise ones, to whatever extent one wishes, one understands the minds of other beings, and persons, having encompassed them with one’s own mind … With the divine eye which is purified and surpasses the human, one sees beings passing away and being reborn, inferior, and superior, beautiful and ugly, fortunate and unfortunate, and understands how beings fare according to their karma … By the destruction of all taints, in this very life, one enters and dwells in the perfected liberation of mind, liberation by wisdom, realizing it for oneself with direct knowledge.